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Happy Doctor's Day
Happy Doctor's Day


Happy Doctor's Day
Happy Doctor's Day


Happy Doctor's Day
Happy Doctor's Day


Happy Doctor's Day
Happy Doctor's Day


Happy Doctor's Day
Happy Doctor's Day


World Brain Tumour Day is celebrated every year on the 8th June to draw international attention and awareness for the people suffering from this terrible disease and the need for greater research. Not all brain tumours are cancers. Majority can be safely removed by surgery. For cancerous tumors, treatment post surgery includes chemotherapy and radiotherapy. With the advent of microneurosurgery, the surgical results are very good and patients can go home 2 to 3 days post surgery.


Invest to End Tuberculosis, Save Lives - Dr. Anirban Deb | Ruby General Hospital
World Tuberculosis Day is observed worldwide on 24th March. Tuberculosis is a communicable disease affecting innumerable people worldwide every year. The theme of this year is ‘Invest to end Tuberculosis. Save lives’ and India has the largest number of people affected by tuberculosis. Consult a pulmonologist for early diagnosis in case of symptoms like coughing, stomach pain, and gynaecological problems in young girls. Please follow the advice of the consultant and take proper medication for a complete cure.


Invest to End Tuberculosis, Save Lives - Dr. Madhu Priya | Ruby General Hospital
World Tuberculosis Day is observed worldwide on 24th March and this year’s theme is ‘Invest to end Tuberculosis. Save lives’. Tuberculosis (TB) causes physical, mental and financial burden to the patient because it is a prolonged disease. If it is diagnosed at an early stage, TB is completely curable without any complications. In the post Covid period it is being noticed that the incidence of tuberculosis has increased and for the first time in the last decade the mortality due to tuberculosis has increased in India and other countries also. The symptoms include long standing fever both low grade or high grade, cough with expectoration, haemoptysis, blood in sputum and weight loss. In case of the above symptoms consult a pulmonologist at the earliest and get treated for the same.


Treatment of Prostate Issues at Ruby General Hospital - DR. SUJOY BASAK
After the age of 45 to 50 years, the symptoms of enlarged prostate are usually found in male patients, i.e., increased frequency of urine, frequent urination at night and urine incontinence. There are two types of management, medical and surgical management. If people have the above symptoms post the age of 45 years then one should consult a urologist.


Awareness about Heart Attack - DR. PANKAJ SARKAR - Ruby General Hospital
Heart attack is a medical emergency when the blood flow to the heart gets blocked damaging the heart muscles resulting in chest pain, breathing distress and profuse sweating. The pain radiates to all four limbs. If anyone experiences chest pain then one should immediately contact the emergency department as the first hour is known as the Golden Hour and if the patient is treated specially with a primary angioplasty then the heart muscles can be repaired which helps the patient to return to normal life faster.


Stroke is one of the most commonly encountered Neurological Emergencies - DR. PRASANNA A V | RGH
Stroke is one of the most commonly encountered neurological emergencies. It can be of two types : haemorrhagic stroke where bleeding occurs and secondly, ischaemic stroke where brain does not receive sufficient amount of blood. One should seek immediate medical attention if there are symptoms of paralysis or unconsciousness because in many cases an early surgical intervention leads to recovery and good functional outcome.


Awareness about Kidney Diseases on World Kidney Day - DR. AMRITAKSHA DEB - Ruby General Hospital
The second Thursday of March is observed as World Kidney Day to raise awareness about kidney diseases. Kidney not only removes wastes and extra fluid from the body but, also controls high blood pressure, produce red blood cells, while, bone and mineral disease and calcium metabolism plays a major in kidney disease. People should be aware about kidney diseases and kidney health.


Observation of World Kidney Day at RGH - DR. ATANU PAL, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Nephrology)
DR. ATANU PAL, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Nephrology), Eular Online MSUS Certificate Course and Eular Online Rheumatology Course The theme of World Kidney Day is Kidney Health for All, Bridge the Gap to Better Kidney Care. It is seen that out of 10 people one person has kidney failure which might take the shape of an epidemic and to keep in check there should be mass awareness. The symptoms of kidney disease are swelling in the legs, frothy urine, frequent urination at night, reddish colour urine, uncontrolled high pressure and medications. Once symptoms for kidney disease are noticed investigations like urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, haemoglobin and urinary protein help in the diagnosis. If detected then one should consult a nephrologist and keep sugar and pressure in check, avoid having over the counter medicines. If there is total kidney damage then dialysis and kidney transplantation is advised. The best treatment is kidney transplantation but, out of 200 patients only one person gets a donor. Society should come forward to bridge the gap and raise awareness about kidney donation for a better quality of life for kidney patients.


Diagnosis & Treatment of Sleep disordered breathing - DR. MADHU PRIYA - Ruby General Hospital
DR. MADHU PRIYA, MBBS, MD (Gold Medalist) Pulmonary Medicine Sleep disordered breathing is a common condition and often ignored by people due to lack of awareness. It is a common phenomenon that when we sleep our muscle tone relaxes, but in some cases the muscle tone is so relaxed that there is airflow obstruction hampering the delivery of oxygen to the lungs leading to decreased circulation in the body. This may sometimes cause sudden cardiac death along with Myocardial Infarction (MI) and stroke. Some patients also complain of uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes inspite of taking optimum medicines. Once the patient is presented to a doctor, it is easy to diagnose by sleep study and the complications can be managed with proper management and treatment.


Observation of International Womens Day - focus on gender equality - DR. APARUPA GHOSH - RGH
8th March is observed as International Womens Day worldwide to celebrate the achievements of women in various fields. This year, the focus is on gender equality. We cannot think of a world without women so, they should take care of their health. Women usually prioritize their family, career and children and neglect their health. Women should be aware of their health and start taking care of themselves, then they can take care of others.


Consult Paediatricians at Ruby General Hospital for Child Abdominal Problems - DR. ANIRBAN BASU
There are quite a few problems which are very common among children but mostly remain untreated. Many children are presented with recurrent abdominal pain and sometimes associated with vomiting, loss of appetite, and become irritable in nature. These are usually left untreated and indicates a history of constipation where children have difficulty in passing stool and sometimes children pass stool after two to three days. These symptoms should not be ignored and should consult immediately with a paediatric.


DR. RAJAT BASAK, MBBS, DNB (Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Cancer Surgery)
Nowadays voice related problems have been on the rise and most common among them is voice change which is indicative of vocal cord cyst, polyp or tumour. Whenever anyone notices changes in voice then one should consult a doctor for early diagnosis and treatment.


DR. DEBASIS SARDAR, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Gastroenterology)
On the occasion of World Cancer Day (4th February) I would like to talk on stomach cancer. The common symptoms of stomach cancer are loss of appetite, weight loss and unexplained anaemia. There might be stomach pain, symptoms of gastric outlet obstruction like vomiting after food intake. One should consult a Gastroenterologist for the above symptoms and stomach cancer is diagnosed by endoscopy and histopathology. Early detection, diagnosis and treatment leads to a complete cure.


Colorectal cancer screening is very important for early detection of colon cancer and rectal cancer. If detected early then many lives can be saved. Colorectal cancer screening includes colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and occult blood for stool (Presence of blood in the stool that cannot be seen with the naked eye) and if polyp is detected and removed then it will prevent subsequent cancer development. Early detection of colorectal cancer can be completely cured by surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Cancer detection is very important and for that cancer screening plays a major role. We have various screening tests like pap smear for cervical cancer, CT scan for chest, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) for prostate cancer and many more investigations for cancer detection. If cancer is detected in an advanced stage then it is difficult for a complete cure. All are requested to go for cancer screening so that it can be detected early and treated accordingly.


DR. RIMITA DEY, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), FNB, Fellowship in Critical Care, EDIC
4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide and we know that cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality in the world and early detection and cancer screening can lead to a better outcome. People should be aware of cancers to increase the possibility of early detection, treatment and a complete cure.


4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide. The primary causes of cancer related deaths are gastrointestinal cancer and cancer in the food pipe. A few lifestyle modifications can prevent cancer while mass awareness can help in early detection and treatment leading to a complete cure. Cancer can be effectively treated with laparoscopic or micro surgery resulting in less pain, minimal blood loss and faster recovery so that the patient is able to continue further cancer treatment post surgery without delay. Let us all come together and take steps in cancer prevention and beat cancer.


DR. CHANCHAL GOSWAMI, MBBS, Diploma in Medical Radiation Therapy (DMRT), MD (Radiotherapy)
4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide to raise awareness about cancer and encouraging people for early detection. The key to cancer treatment is early detection as the symptoms are very common like other diseases. People usually ignore the symptoms of cancer so, they should be encouraged to come forward for cancer screening so that early detection is possible and people can live a long and healthy life.


Be Aware and Go for Cancer Screening to Get Completely Cured | DR. SANJOY ROY, MBBS, DNB | RGH
4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide to raise awareness about cancer but, we should be aware about cancer round the year. The prevalence of cancer is on a steady rise among the population and the main objective of such days are to keep them in check with mass awareness. With modern techniques and methods of cancer treatment, be it medical, surgical and radiation oncology, early detection is essential for treatment and complete cure. We have to be aware and go for cancer screening so that it can be detected at an early stage and with early treatment can be cured completely.


4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide. The battle against cancer is long and hard, but early detection can cure cancer completely. This message should reach out to all that cancer is a completely curable disease and this can be done by mass awareness campaigns and cancer screening programs.


DR. POOJA AGARWAL, MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), Fellowship in Surgical Oncology
4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and is on a steady rise. We should understand the importance of early detection so that we can seek for help early and the management gets easier. Women should practice monthly self breast examination at home for detection of any abnormality in the breast and if detected then one should consult a doctor at the earliest. Though all lumps are not cancerous but, we should be careful. Mammogram is also another method for early detection of breast cancer which does not require any preparation.


4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide and we should resolve to fight this deadly disease together. We should raise awareness about cancer so that it can be detected early and lead to much higher rates of cure and much less chance of recurrence. People should be educated about making minor changes in their lifestyle and dietary habits, increasing physical activity and avoiding known carcinogens such as tobacco. These small changes can bring a sea of difference and finally, society must support cancer survivors and not ostracize them.


4th February is observed as World Cancer Day worldwide to raise awareness about cancer. Even after two years of the Covid pandemic, cancer is one of the biggest health burdens of the country. Most cancers are curable if detected at an early stage, so, identifying the symptoms and consulting a doctor is very important. There are quite a few food habits, addictions, and lifestyle changes which when modified can prevent cancer.


DR. AYAN MUKHOPADHYAY, MBBS, MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), MRCOG – 1 (UK), RCOG Associate, FIAOG & FMAS
Cancer in the uterus, ovaries, cervix and breast are life threatening for a woman among other cancers. Early detection leads to proper diagnosis, treatment and a complete cure. Ruby Cancer Centre has a dedicated cancer care team where services are available from cancer screening to complete treatment.


DR. DIPANJAN MAJUMDER, MBBS, MD, DNB (Radiation Oncology) Ex Senior Registrar, Tata Medical Hospital
World Cancer Day is observed on 4th February worldwide and according to studies it has been observed that by 2040, more than 27 million people will be affected by cancer and the various reasons include smoking, irregular food habits, physical exertion, late pregnancy and so on. These problems were considered as first world country problems but, now it is prevalent in countries who are in the economically transitional phase. We have to be aware not only on a day but, 365 days of the year and practice prevention to stay away from cancer.


The Primary Symptom of Heart Failure is Breathing Distress | DR KALYAN DAS, MBBS, PGDCC | RGH
The primary symptom of heart failure is breathing distress or shortness of breath. It might be due to heart related ailments or any other medical cause which leads to heart failure. In case of heart failure immediate medical attention is required and it is advised to have a limited quantity of water, avoid salt or salty food and consult your cardiologist at the earliest.


Wishing all a very happy Christmas in advance. During winter season the common urological problems are difficulty in urination among senior citizens. There is frequent urination, slow urination and urinary incontinence. If these problems are neglected, they will lead to severe kidney problems in the future. In case of the above symptoms one should consult a urologist. Primary investigations include uroflowmetry, ultrasonography, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), urine routine and culture. These problems are usually treated by medicine management and surgical intervention is required in very few cases. There are special exercises and medicines for the treatment of urinary incontinence.


DR. GOURAB BANERJEE, MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine), MRCP Part I, MNAMS, Fellow Membership
In the winter season there is increase in pollutants and allergen so the people who already have asthma or breathing distress are at risk of aggravation. Such people should use mask as precautionary measure while going outdoors to prevent from asthma attacks as well as following Covid protocol. Those who are asthmatic and use inhaler can consult with their doctor and increase the dose as required along with taking influenza vaccines.


Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is caused by narrowed heart arteries. The blood circulation might get reduced in one artery or in the three arteries at the same time leading to heart attack. The symptoms are chest pain, profuse sweating and palpitation. The person should be immediately taken to the hospital and if required a coronary angiogram should be performed followed by the required treatment procedure such as bypass surgery or angioplasty. Dietary habits are very important for IHD and it should include green vegetables, fruits, plenty of water and avoid fatty food, red meat to prevent heart attack.


Surgery using radiation is called radiosurgery where high doses of radiation can be given to the patient in very few sessions namely 1 to 5 sessions. This treatment can be done on an outdoor basis not requiring admission along with negligible side effects. Radiosurgery is done in cases of primary brain tumours and stage IV brain cancer with limited number of metastasis. Radiosurgery is performed successfully in Ruby Cancer Centre.


Irregular period is very common among women and girls requiring medical attention and proper treatment. It is diagnosed by investigations like ultrasonography, where the gynaecological organs like ovaries and uterus are checked for any structural changes along with the presence of tumours or cysts. Blood tests are also done for the hormones which are responsible for menstruation, check their levels and if any minor problems are detected then they are treated by medical management.


In the new year we should make health resolutions for a better health. Some of them are as follows: • Family members should go for a complete health check up annually. • People suffering from chronic asthma, diabetes, and hypertension should consult a doctor twice a year. • Women above the age of 50 years should go for a mammogram, pap smear and cancer screening. • People above 50 years of age should take the adult vaccines for influenza and pneumonia. • Lastly, please follow the Covid protocols.


DR. SUDIPTA BANDYOPADHYAY, MBBS, MD (Radiation Oncology), DM (Medical Oncology)
Triple negative breast cancer is a cancer subtype where the cancer cells do not have the hormones estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR) and HER 2 receptors. This type of cancer is treated with chemotherapy and has a high recurrence rate within the first three years. Thus, one has to get properly treated and be under strict observation for the first three years. Even if the disease recurs, with the help of advanced treatment and continuous monitoring and observation, triple negative breast cancer can be cured.


DR RAJAT BASAK, MBBS, DNB Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Cancer Surgery
Allergic rhinitis is the allergen present in the environment like dust, pollen, smoke, mould, flakes of skin, hair from animals which causes inflammation of the inside of the nose resulting in cold, cough, sneezing, running nose. These aggravate during the viral season and to prevent this one should wear mask, practice yoga or running, bathe in warm water after returning home and avoid contact with allergens.


DR. SWAGATO CHOWDHURY, BDS, MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) | Ruby General Hospital
Oral cancer is treatable and curable and has three types of treatment like any other cancer, namely, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Initially, it is surgically treated where the cancerous part and lymph nodes are removed and the tongue is reconstructed with the help of tissues from other parts of the body. Surgical intervention is followed by radiotherapy as adjuvant therapy. Post treatment, the patient can go back to leading their normal life as before.


Oral Cancer Symptoms | DR. SWAGATO CHOWDHURY, BDS, MDS (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery) | RGH
Oral cancer is a lifestyle related disease and occurs mainly due to different types of addiction like chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes, bidi, chewing betel leaf and betel nut along with alcohol consumption being a contributing risk factor. The symptom of oral cancer is when a person has ulcers in the mouth for more than three weeks without healing then he / she should immediately consult an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who will detect whether it is oral cancer or not and treat accordingly.


MR. AVIJIT BERA, CANCER SURVIVOR, Shares His Experience On The Occasion Of National Oral Cancer Day
Squamous Cell carcinoma involving nearly whole of the tongue. Near total glossectomy, bilateral neck dissection, access osteotomy and antero lateral thigh flap reconstruction were done. Patient received post operative radiation treatment. This is one and half years post surgery. Now the patient is doing well and leading a normal life. In oral cancer it is very important to make the patient disease free, as well as, give the patient a meaningful life with proper reconstruction. This patient was working in sales where he had to talk a lot. Now, even after near total glossectomy he is speaking normally and continuing his job.


DR. ANIRBAN DEB, MBBS,MD (Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases), EDRM & EBUS Certification
17th November is observed as World COPD Day worldwide. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is very common worldwide and its symptoms are cough, shortness of breath and wheezing. Smoking and mosquito coil fumes lead to COPD and the treatment method is inhaler. Avoid smoking and burning mosquito coils, visit your doctor regularly and follow advice accordingly.


DR. MADHU PRIYA, MBBS, MD (Gold Medalist) Pulmonary Medicine
World COPD day is observed on 17th November to create awareness about this disease. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a preventable disease and chronic which happens over a period of time. The main factor is smoking, both active and passive along with pollution which is a matter of great concern. COPD patients usually complain of chronic cough and breathlessness and if not managed properly, it may lead to cardiac complications, heart failure and different types of cancer. Apart from medications the patient should take care of their diet and nutrition, physical activity, pulmonary rehabilitation, breathing exercises and vaccination. The co morbidities like hypertension, diabetes or any chronic illness should be managed properly to prevent the complications of COPD.


DR. RAJAT BASAK, MBBS, DNB (Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Cancer Surgery)
There is a considerable rise in the number of Covid cases along with seasonal variation cold allergy and pollution. Wear a mask and protect yourself and in case of emergency, Ruby General Hospital is there 24 X 7.


DR MADHU PRIYA, MBBS, MD Gold Medalist Pulmonary Medicine
Winter is round the corner and post Diwali with the increase in pollution there is a rise in the asthma patients. Most of the patients are coming to OPD with complaints of running nose, cold and cough especially in elderly patients and young children. Please follow the Covid protocol and wear mask and if there are any symptoms consult a doctor without delay.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which there is abnormal electrical activity in the neurons of the brain. If there are seizures more than two times then it is called epileptic seizures. There are many causes like stroke, brain tumor, head injury, meningitis, encephalitis or genetic. Investigations like E.E.G., MRI scan are done for detection of the disease and mostly these patients are treated with medicine and if required surgical intervention is required. Most of the epileptic cases are cured with proper treatment and lead a normal life.


Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Contribute to Heart Ailments | DR. TANMOY MAJEE | RGH
People think that those who have high blood pressure do not have heart ailments. Blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol contribute to heart ailments and those who have high blood pressure may have heart ailments. Many people have regular medicine for blood pressure and during the winter season there might be a sudden rise in blood pressure so, people should consult their doctor, get their blood pressure checked and if required get the medicines modified. In case there is a sudden rise in blood pressure there is high possibility of brain stroke and heart failure. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and go for routine follow up.


DR. TANMAY MUKHERJEE, MBBS, MD (General Medicine), DNB (Nephrology)
All types of kidney related treatment like diabetic kidney disease, hypertensive kidney disease, urological related kidney disease are available. The dialysis unit caters to more than 50 patients round the clock and very shortly the transplant unit will be functional.


DR. SOMNATH SORCER, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide and the theme is RISE : Rally In Supporting, Serving and Screening Everyone. Breast cancer begins with just a painless lump in the breast, so, screening is extremely important. Every woman should practice self breast examination and if any lump is detected then consult a doctor without delay followed by proper treatment. Nowadays, breast cancer treatment is quite advanced including hormonal therapy, chemotherapy and surgery and when combined give good result.


DR. CHANCHAL GOSWAMI, MEDICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE Breast cancer is a very important disease and 60% are Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Progesterone Receptor (PR) positive breast cancer which are good prognostic breast cancers and essentially treated with hormonal therapy. 25% are HER2 positive meaning aggressive breast cancers which are treated with chemotherapy and targeted agents and 15% are the worst form of breast cancers which are triple negative breast cancers and essentially treated with chemotherapy alone. Apart from this, around 15% are heredity breast cancers which can be of any type and are treated with a drug called olaparib and their BRCA 1 and 2 genes are positive.


Breast Cancer Awareness from Manali Manisha Dey, Indian film actress
Breast Cancer Awareness from Manali Manisha Dey, Indian film actress October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide to raise awareness among the masses about the early detection of breast cancer.


DR. RATUL KUNDU, ANAESTHESIOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Usually, patients require anaesthesia for breast cancer means they have already been diagnosed and are suffering from breast cancer. In such cases patients have two fear factors, namely cancer related and anaesthesia related. Anaesthesia related pain and uneasiness is not so prevalent during breast cancer surgery and it is considered as a minor surgery. Patients undergoing breast cancer surgery do not experience extreme pain or uneasiness.


Breast Cancer Awareness from Chandan Sen, Television actor
Breast Cancer Awareness from Chandan Sen, Television actor October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide to raise awareness among the masses about the early detection of breast cancer.


PROF. (DR.) ALOKE GHOSH DASTIDAR, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide to raise awareness among the masses about the early detection of breast cancer. Women should practice self breast examination on the fifth day of every month in front of the mirror and if any lump is detected then seek advice of an oncologist without delay.


DR. RAKESH ROY, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide and people should be made aware of breast cancer. It is not only the most common type of cancer and it affects both women and men. Breast cancer can be detected early by an investigation called mammogram, which detects any anomaly in the breast and practicing self breast examination either while bathing or dressing. If any lump is detected then consult a doctor immediately as early detection leads to a complete cure.


DR. MAHFUZ ARIFF, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Women should be made aware of breast cancer and they should practice self breast examination every three months to check if there are any lumps in the breast, nipple discharge or changes in the colour of the skin. In case of these symptoms consult a doctor without delay as early detection can give a complete cure.


Breast Cancer Awareness from none other than Ankush Hazra, Indian film actor
Breast Cancer Awareness from none other than Ankush Hazra, Indian film actor October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. In case of any symptoms consult a doctor without delay as early detection can give a complete cure.


DR. KANISHKA SARKAR, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE Ruby Cancer Centre provides high end cancer treatment and cancer awareness. For breast cancer screening women above 40 years should go for mammography screening annually.


The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer Are Lumps In The Breast and Armpit | PROF. (DR.) ANUP MAJUMDER | RGH
PROF. (DR.) ANUP MAJUMDER, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Women should be aware of breast cancer as early detection and diagnosis leads to a complete cure at an affordable cost and one can lead a normal and healthy life. The symptoms of breast cancer are lumps in the breast and armpit. In case of these symptoms consult a doctor without delay.


Anaesthesia Plays A Very Important Role In Breast Cancer Treatment | DR. SAURENDRA NATH MITRA | RGH
DR. SAURENDRA NATH MITRA, ANAESTHESIOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Treatment of breast cancer includes surgery and anaesthesia plays a very important role. Usually, general anaesthesia is used for breast surgery except while taking a biopsy where local anaesthesia is used. For pain management there is a conventional method, but, apart from this there are types of blocks which when administered blocks the sensation of pain in different parts of the brain.


MS. MAHUA DASGUPTA, BREAST CANCER PATIENT I have been diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago but, the quality of life which I had been leading prior to the diagnosis is the same as of now except for hospital visits for treatment. It is a misnomer that life loses its meaning after being diagnosed with breast cancer as medical science is quite advanced and with advanced treatment and mental strength we can overcome breast cancer. Instead of losing hope consult a doctor, follow their advice, get treated and lead a healthy life.


Please Be Aware And Go For Cancer Screening | DR SYED HASSANUJJAMAN | RUBY CANCER CENTRE
The incidence of breast cancer is on the rise and it can be detected in its early stage by cancer screening and with proper treatment it can be cured. Breast cancer surgery has also advanced as now the entire breast need not be removed surgically. With the help of oncoplastic surgery the size and shape of the breast can be retained. Please be aware and go for cancer screening and stay healthy.


October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. If people are aware about breast cancer and its means of early detection and possible treatment then the fear of cancer being a fatal disease will not be there. Women above 40 years should get an annual mammogram then early detection is possible and with proper treatment breast cancer can be cured completely.


I have been diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago and believe me, cancer does not mean death. I am under treatment, following the advice of my doctor and am keeping well. Cancer has not been able to take away my happiness and I can assure you of the same. As soon as you are diagnosed please consult your doctor and get treated so that one can lead a healthy life.


October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Women should be provided proper education, cancer screening programme, knowledge about the detection of breast cancer at the earliest so that it can be detected early and can be treated. Women should be aware that after 40 years of age they should get an annual mammogram done and be aware of their body.


October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. We, at Ruby Cancer Centre provide treatment facilities like surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In chemotherapy, we provide targeted therapy, immunotherapy and evidence based treatment. If you have any symptoms of breast cancer then consult a doctor without delay and get treated at an affordable cost.


I am a breast cancer patient under treatment at Ruby Cancer Centre. I will request all breast cancer patients not to be afraid as cancer does not mean death. If diagnosed early and with proper treatment it is completely curable. One should not lose the will to fight and overcome the adversities. Till date, I have undergone both chemotherapy and radiation therapy and request all to religiously follow the advice of the consultant without losing hope. Family members are requested to stand by the patient and render mental support. It is a long term treatment but we can overcome breast cancer and stay healthy.


Chaiti Ghoshal Film actress
October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Breast cancer can be easily detected by self breast examination. Be aware and stay healthy.


October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Early detection can lead to a complete cure and it occurs mostly among middle aged women. Breast cancer can be easily detected by self breast examination. Be aware and stay healthy.


October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Among every 8 women one is affected by breast cancer. Men are also affected by breast cancer though chances are slim. Self breast examination is mandatory for every woman at least once a month. Regular exercise, low fat diet and fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of breast cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation is required in advanced stages so, if detected early it is completely curable.


DR. ABHISHEK BASU, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE Breast cancer is common not only in India but worldwide and it is one of the leading causes of death among women. The good news is that if it is detected in the early stages then it can be cured with proper treatment. For early detection, the most important factor is self awareness. Women should check their breasts for any swelling or lump, nipple discharge, swelling in the armpit and consult an oncologist without delay. Breast cancer can be diagnosed by biopsy and mammography and treated with the help of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.


DR. DEBASHISH BHATTACHRJEE, HISTOPATHOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL Early diagnosis and treatment is very important and various investigations help in the early detection of breast cancer like FNAC, core biopsy, Estrogen Receptor (ER), Progesterone Receptor (PR), HER2 and Ki67. The result of these investigations helps the consultants in the diagnosis and further treatment of the patient, who in turn gets the optimum care and has a better life expectancy.


MS. BIDISHA MONDAL, RADIOTHERAPIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. People should have awareness so that breast cancer can be detected early. If there are lumps or tumour in the breast, nipple discharge, sore around the nipple and not healing for some time then consult a doctor immediately. It is advised that women above 20 years should practice self breast examination and above 40 years should get an annual mammogram. Early detection can lead to a complete cure.


DR. SANJAY SEN, SURGICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. People who have lumps in the breast should consult a gynaecologist without delay and also come to Ruby General Hospital where we are well equipped for take proper care. Breast cancer if diagnosed at an early stage is curable with a long life.


DR. RITAM JOARDER, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Women should check for any changes in the breast like lumps, tumor or nipple discharge, breast skin changes and any form of swelling in the armpit. In case of any of the above symptoms consult your doctor without any delay as early detection and treatment will lead to a complete cure.


MS. SUNITA KUSARI, RADIOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Breast cancer is on the rise and among every 9 women 1 woman is affected by it. Some risk factors are irregular eating habits, genetic, lack of breast feeding. Women above the age 20 years should practice self breast examination at least twice a month and women above 40 years should get mammography done once a year for early detection.


DR. JAYESH KUMAR JHA, SURGICAL ONCOLOGY, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Breast cancer treatment has witnessed advancement not only in surgery but in chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy. When detected early breast cancer is completely curable preserving the organ and reconstruction when required. All cases do not require mastectomy and breast cancer can be detected early by self-breast examination.


Practice Monthly Self Breast Examination | DR. SANJAY KUMAR BISWAS, OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY
DR. SANJAY KUMAR BISWAS, OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL Women are advised to practice monthly self breast examination by standing in front of the mirror and checking with the fingers whether there are any lumps. If there are any hard lumps or nipple discharge or any changes in the skin, then consult a doctor without delay as early detection can lead to a complete cure.


DR. SUDIPTA BANDYOPADHYAY, MEDICAL ONCOLOGY, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Breast cancer can be prevented by proper screening and women above 45 years should get mammography done annually along with clinical and self breast examination for early detection and treatment can be done by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. Stay safe and stay healthy.


DR. SUBRATA CHATTERJEE, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in India. Every 4 minutes one is affected and every 8 minutes one dies of breast cancer, but, if detected in its early stages, it is completely curable thus conserving the breast. For early detection, women above 45 years should get mammography done annually and practice self breast examination and if any lump or tumour is found then consult a doctor without delay. Follow a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, avoid alcohol and smoking, practice breast feeding to prevent breast cancer.


DR. POOJA SHAH, RADIOLOGIST, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. For the early diagnosis of cancer there are different modalities like mammography which helps in early detection of cancer. Women above 45 years should go for mammography once a year.


DR. SUPRATIM BISWAS, OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Early signs and symptoms of breast cancer include nipple discharge, lump in the breast, retracted nipples. Women should practice self-breast examination and in case of the above symptoms, do not ignore and consult a doctor without delay. Stay safe and stay healthy.


Breast Cancer Occurs Both In Men and Women | PROF. (DR) SUDHIR ADHIKARI, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL
PROF. (DR) SUDHIR ADHIKARI, OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL Breast cancer occurs both in men and women but, it is common among women. It can be detected by self breast examination and also during routine doctor consultation. If any lump is detected then it is confirmed by investigations like FNAC, ultrasonography. Early detection and proper treatment can completely cure breast cancer.


DR. RAHUL DHAR, SURGICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women and it is completely curable if detected early and with proper treatment. Early detection can be done by self-breast examination and mammography. Women above 45 years should get a mammography done annually for early detection.


DR. KAZI SAZZAD MANIR, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. It is one of the most common types of cancer and is due to lifestyle habits like alcohol consumption, obesity. Breast cancer can be treated by surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. The symptoms are breast lumps, tumours, nipple discharge and remember, early detection leads to complete cure.


DR. TUHIN PAUL, DIRECTOR LAB SERVICES, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Pathological laboratories are the first responders in case of detection of cancers. When doctors suspect cancer, the pathological laboratory confirms it through tests like biopsy, FNAC etc. Another role is that of prognostication in which the medicines which will be effective for the treatment of breast cancer are identified by Estrogen Receptor (ER) and Progesterone Receptor (PR) tests.


MR. SRIMANTA PRAMANIK, MEDICAL PHYSICIST & RADIATION SAFETY OFFICER, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. It has been on the rise and we can prevent it with a healthy lifestyle like exercising regularly, healthy eating habits, and women above 35 years of age should go for cancer screening annually along with self breast examination. Avoid smoking, alcohol consumption and tobacco in any form.


DR. SANJOY ROY, RADIATION ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Early detection will lead to a complete cure. With the help of our Comprehensive Cancer Care team we perform breast conservation therapy like surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, where the breasts need not be removed completely and retain their shape.


DR. POOJA AGARWAL, BREAST SURGEON, RUBY CANCER CENTRE Breast cancer has four stages, namely, Stage 1 which is early breast cancer where the patient can be offered surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. If it is detected early and limited to a part of the breast then breast conservation surgery is done to preserve a part of it. Proper screening should be done for early detection and minimal treatment.


DR. DIPANJAN MAJUMDER, RADIATION ONCOLOGIST, RUBY CANCER CENTRE October is observed as Breast Cancer Awareness month worldwide. Out of 8 women, one is affected by breast cancer including 1% possibility among men. Few risk factors are late pregnancy, lack of breast feeding, exercise and fruits and vegetables in the diet. Self-breast examination should be done at least twice a month and consult your doctor in case of any lump.


DR. RAJAT BASAK, MBBS, DNB (Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Cancer Surgery)
DR. RAJAT BASAK, MBBS, DNB (Otorhinolaryngology & Head & Neck Cancer Surgery) Nowadays, ENT and Head and Neck problems are on the rise compared to a few years ago. If anyone experiences a sudden hoarseness in voice, neck lump or oral ulcer then consult an ENT without delay. If detected in its early stages, there is a possibility of complete recovery. If the symptoms are neglected then later, further treatment like surgery and allied treatments will not be effective. Do not delay in case of symptoms and consult your doctor at the earliest as early detection can lead to complete cure.


DR. AMRITAKSHA DEB, MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Nephrology)
DR. AMRITAKSHA DEB, MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Nephrology) Subho Bijoya to everyone. I would like to say only one thing about kidney related diseases and that is, for people who suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes, they are advised to have a couple of investigations done at regular intervals namely, creatinine and urine routine examination. If any anomaly is detected, seek the advice of a Nephrology Consultant for early detection and subsequent treatment for a complete cure.


























Avoid the Avoidable Risk Factors and Keep Your Heart Healthy | DR. ANINDYA MUKHERJEE | RGH
DR. ANINDYA MUKHERJEE, MBBS, MD (Med), DM (Cardio) 29th September is observed as World Heart Day worldwide and one day is not enough. The remaining 364 days of the year are also very important to take care of the heart. People should avoid a few things like smoking, oily food, salt, lack of physical activity and in the case of diabetes and hypertension, it should be kept under control. People should consult a cardiologist for cardiac problems and during the pandemic people have found it difficult to consult a doctor either due to unavailability or lack of commutation but, now they can avail Ruby Telemedicine for video consultation. Keep away from the avoidable risk factors and keep your heart healthy.


On The Occasion of World Health Day | DR. SANKHADIP PRAMANIK, MBBS (Cal), MS (Cal), MCH (CTVS)
DR. SANKHADIP PRAMANIK, MBBS (Cal), MS (Cal), MCH (CTVS) On the occasion of World Heart Day, I would like to say a few words about how to keep your heart healthy. Walking daily for at least half an hour, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, drinking plenty of water and quitting smoking and alcohol consumption are few ways of keeping your heart healthy. Those who have diabetes, hypertension or hyperlipidemia should keep these diseases under control by proper medication. Patients who are unable to come to the Outdoor Patient Department for doctor consultation due to the pandemic situation are requested not to stop medication and avail Ruby Telemedicine services for video consultation.


29th September is observed as World Heart Day worldwide | DR. S. B. BHATTACHARYA | RGH
DR. S. B. BHATTACHARYA, MD (Med), DM (Cardio), Consultant Interventional Cardiologist 29th September is observed as World Heart Day worldwide to raise awareness about heart diseases. Only one day is not enough. We have to take care of our hearts for 365 days as it is our driving force. A healthy heart will keep us healthy. In order to prevent heart ailments, we should have a healthy diet, exercise regularly and have medicines advised by a consultant and also get an annual heart check up done. Among food habits, salt, sugar and oily food should be avoided. People as young as 23 years of age are found to have high cholesterol levels. Stay healthy and keep your heart healthy.


Heart Ailments Can Also Lead to Sudden Death | DR. TANMOY MAJEE, MBBS, MD, DM (Cardiology) | RGH
DR. TANMOY MAJEE, MBBS, MD, DM (Cardiology) 29th September is observed as World Heart Day worldwide to raise awareness about heart diseases. Heart ailments can also lead to sudden death. There are risk factors like blood sugar, blood pressure or hypertension, high cholesterol level, smoking, obesity, lack of physical activity and in some cases genetic. The initial symptoms are shortness of breath on exertion and chest heaviness. Do not delay and consult a cardiologist. Get routine investigations done for proper diagnosis. We can also prevent Ischaemic Heart Disease by lifestyle modification and healthy dietary habits. Lifestyle modification includes regular physical activity like exercising 3 to 4 days a week around 20 to 30 minutes per day, avoid oily and fatty food, reduce consumption of mutton and chicken after a certain age, try to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts twice or thrice daily. If we can keep the risk factors under control then we can prevent Ischaemic Heart Disease.


29th September is observed as World Heart Day worldwide | DR. SUNIP BANERJEE, MBBS, MD (MED) | RGH
DR. SUNIP BANERJEE, MBBS, MD (MED), DM (Cardio), FSCAI (USA) 29th September is observed as World Heart Day worldwide to raise awareness about heart ailments. Apart from this day the remaining 364 days of the year are also very important to take care of the heart. As we know that people suffer from diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and during the pandemic even if people are facing health problems they are not visiting the hospital for consultation and treatment. All are advised not to do so and secondly, do not stop taking medication. In case of financial constraints kindly consult your doctor for cheaper medicines and as we all are mostly indoors, we should have physical activity as much as possible. Stay safe and stay healthy.


Consult Your Pediatrician When Your Child Has a Fever and Cough | DR. ANIRBAN BASU | RGH
DR. ANIRBAN BASU, MBBS, DCH, CONSULTANT PEDIATRICIAN & NEONATOLOGIST, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL Nowadays children are being affected by viral fever and suffering from fever and cough. It is not that their health is deteriorating rapidly, but, few are requiring respiratory support and hospitalization. If your child has fever, cough and cold, consult your pediatrician immediately and hospitalize if necessary. Viruses responsible are influenza A, influenza B, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus. Few viruses have remedies which can be advised as antiviral and during hospitalization test can be sent for respiratory viral panel and if identified specific management and treatment can be done. Do not neglect your child's fever and cough, consult your pediatrician without delay and hospitalize if advised.


The 21st of September is World Alzheimer's Day | DR. JOYDEEP BISWAS, Consultant Neurologist | RGH
DR. JOYDEEP BISWAS, MBBS, DNB (Gen Med), DNB (Neuro) | Consultant Neurologist | RGH The 21st of September is observed as World Alzheimer's day to raise awareness and educate about Alzheimer's and dementia. Alzheimer is the most common cause of dementia and is a progressive neuro degenerative disease of the brain which destroys the brain cells causing continuous decline in memory, behavioral and social skills which hampers a person to function independently. It is common in people above 65 years of age and it highly impacts the quality of life. It requires a huge social and family support because the disease progresses over time and the person will be unable to take care of himself / herself. The early symptoms of Alzheimer's are changes in memory, behavioral and communication skills. If these symptoms are noticed then one should consult a neurologist without delay as early detection and initiation of treatment delays the progression of the disease.


Have Fresh Home Cooked Food and Stay Healthy | DR. DIGBIJOY CHOUDHURY, MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine)
DR. DIGBIJOY CHOUDHURY, MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine) Apart from the Covid 19 virus there are other viruses which are prevalent like dengue fever, H1N1, Rota virus etc. Usually, in these types of fevers we follow supportive management and symptomatic treatment. There is no requirement for testing every type of fever but, in case of dengue and Covid 19 fever, we should get tested because delay in such cases might lead to complications. Apart from viral fevers there is a rise in cough and cold due to the increase in pollution. It is advised to have fresh home cooked food and stay healthy.


'Rehabilitation and Long COVID- 19' | DR. RAKESH JHALANI, MBBS, MD | Ruby General Hospital
DR. RAKESH JHALANI, MBBS, MD (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) World Physiotherapy Day is celebrated all over the world on the 8th of September every year. The theme for this year is 'Rehabilitation and Long COVID- 19'. Long COVID-19 is a multisystem disease involving primarily the respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological and musculoskeletal system. The symptoms of Covid persist beyond the acute stage. Most symptoms which are highly benefited by physiotherapy in acute and long Covid - 19 are shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, chest pain and tightness, muscle weakness, pain and fatigue, general weakness, joint pain, difficulty or inability in sitting and getting out of bed, walking and standing.


A Poor Sleep Quality Can Hurt You Mentally and Physically | DR. MADHU PRIYA, Ruby General Hospital
DR. MADHU PRIYA, MBBS, MD (GOLD MEDALIST) Pulmonary Medicine Many people do not know that a bad quality sleep hampers not only physically but, also mentally and health issue wise. It can lead to ischemic heart diseases, sudden stroke or sudden cardiac arrest during sleep. Sleep study is a test used to diagnose sleep apnea. People are at risk of sleep apnea when they have choking at night, do not have good quality sleep or frequent waking at night and feel sleepy during daytime. If tested positive with sleep apnea, there are many treatments available for the same like CPAP, BiPAP and many nasal devices which help in good quality sleep.


Ruby General Hospital Treats Anyone Suffering from Uterine Tumors | PROF. (DR) SUDHIR ADHIKARI
PROF. (DR) SUDHIR ADHIKARI, MBBS, DGO, MD (CAL), F.I.C., MCH, FICOG (INDIA) Uterine tumors usually occur in women during the reproductive period. Pregnant women, mothers and even young girls suffer from uterine tumors. These tumors are treated with the help of medicines otherwise it is treated with the help of surgery. Sometimes, these tumors are detected during pregnancy and in such cases, they are surgically removed during LUCS. In Ruby General Hospital, we have operated tumors weighing around 4kgs and there were cases when women suffered from unbearable pain from uterine tumors during pregnancy, they were successfully operated and the expecting mother completed her pregnancy term too. Anyone suffering from uterine tumor can come and avail the services of Ruby General Hospital and we are all there for you.


The Department of Laboratory Medicine, NABL Certified | Ruby General Hospital
Ruby General Hospital is not only a hospital but, a landmark of the city. The NABL certified Pathological Laboratory starts with the section where consultants prepare reports, an administrative section and the Sample Receiving Section where the samples are sorted as per the barcode. The Microbiology and Molecular Biology Section is equipped with the Vitek machine for bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing and the Genexpert machine which identifies the RNA of Covid 19, DNA of mycobacterium tuberculosis. The Elisa and rapid card tests detect various microbes along with pre-automated machines for detection of isolates from blood culture. The Histopathology and Cytopathology lab is equipped with a fully automated Tissue Processor and Microtome Machine. The Cryostat Intraoperative Frozen Section facilitates accurate diagnosis for oncology section. The lab also has a Medical Transcription, Biochemistry section, Clinical Chemistry and Immuno Assay and Clinical Biochemistry Analyser. The Haematology section is equipped with a coagulation analyser, blood grouping. Ruby Laboratory has world class cutting edge technology and a dedicated workforce ensuring accurate and reliable reports consistently.


Protect Yourself from the Complications, Problems and Other Symptoms of Cancer | DR. SHOMES MOZUMDER
DR. SHOMES MOZUMDER, MBBS, MS (ENT) Mrs. Ruma Das had complaints of a swelling in front of the left ear for nearly a year. After consulting at Ruby General Hospital, a benign tumour had been detected which might become malignant in the future if not treated at the earliest. The patient had been explained clearly about the risk factors and she decided to undergo surgery. Since, the tumor had been situated on the facial muscles and nerves, there was a chance that post surgery the face might get crooked or improper functioning of the eyelids. After the surgery, the lady has not suffered any face disfigurement. This is a very good example of prevention of cancer, do not neglect the symptoms and consult a doctor without delay. Protect yourself from the complications, problems and other symptoms of cancer.


With Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), We Can Treat Patients Without Surgery | RGH
DR. SUNIP BANERJEE, MBBS, MD (Med), DM (Cardio), FSCAI (USA) Today, I would like to tell you about a new method which has been being practiced by medical science for the last fifteen years. In India, the number is quite few due to economic constraints. We know about many types of heart diseases and common procedures like Pacemaker Implantation, angioplasty stent for arterial blockage, but, if the heart valves don't function properly then open heart surgery was the only way out till date but, now, with the help of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI), we can treat the patient without surgery and anesthesia. A 64 year old gentleman with lung complications has been treated with the help of TAVI and he went home walking on the third postoperative day.


Consult Your Doctor If Diagnosed With Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | DR. TIRTHA PRATIM PURKAIT
DR. TIRTHA PRATIM PURKAIT, MBBS (Cal), MD (Gen Med) During this pandemic an epidemic is silently growing in all of us which is Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). It is due to the sedentary lifestyle, western food habits and the possibility of obesity that NAFLD is becoming a silent epidemic. The symptoms are sudden weight gain and other complications. Consult your doctor at the earliest and if diagnosed with Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), proper exercise, change in food habits and proper treatment will completely cure it.


A Few Words From Dr. Ratul Kundu About The Anaesthesia Used In The Caesarean Section | RGH
A few words about the anaesthesia used in the caesarean section. Usually two types of anaesthesia are used, namely, general and spinal anaesthesia. In the caesarean section spinal anaesthesia is preferred, though people think that they might have back pain. While administering general anaesthesia, some amount of the medicine goes to the child as well, due to which the baby might cry late or remain drowsy. Another benefit of the spinal anaesthesia is that the mother can hear the child crying which brings about hormonal changes and it is beneficial to both mother and child. It is a misnomer that spinal anaesthesia causes back pain. When we learn to stand on our two feet, the back pain is the penalty. This happens at a later stage in men and earlier in women due to child bearing and is not related to spinal anaesthesia at all. The pain is just like when one takes a tetanus injection and adequate amount of analgesics are given for the pain post operation. - DR. RATUL KUNDU, MBBS, MD (Anaesthesia)


Peripheral Vascular Disease Is Usually Neglected By Patients - Dr. Sankhadip Pramanik | RGH
Peripheral vascular disease is usually neglected by patients. The common symptoms are pain in the limbs, difficulty in walking and after sometime develop cramps in the legs. These patients get relieved by paracetamol or over the counter medicines but, they do not realize that by doing this they are harming themselves. We get patients who come to us at a stage when the limbs are beyond repair. If anybody has any difficulty in the limbs, like pain, and difficulty in walking, then, they should immediately consult a vascular surgeon as usually, these patients have coronary artery disease. - Dr. Sankhadip Pramanik, Cardiovascular Surgeon, MBBS (Cal), MS (Cal), MCH (CTVS)


Management Of Heart Failure Is Done When The Heart Is Unable To Maintain Circulation In The Body
Management of heart failure is done when the heart is unable to maintain circulation in the body either because of pump failure or other conditions. Heart functions can be improved with the help of newly developed devices and these facilities are available in Ruby General Hospital. Whether one requires these facilities or not is based on the clinical criteria and examination. However, the bottom line is that these are new and exciting therapies and can go a long way in improving the quality of life in patients of heart failure. - Dr. Saujatya Chakraborty, Cardiologist, MBBS, MD (Medicine), PGI (Chandigarh), DM (Cardiology) (PGI Chandigarh)


Stone In The Kidney And Ureter Is Very Common Nowadays - Dr. Kaushik Sarkar | Ruby General Hospital
Stone in the kidney and ureter is very common nowadays. The symptoms are pain abdomen, burning sensation, vomiting and fever. If these symptoms are ignored then there is a probability of kidney damage. If you have stone in the kidney or ureter, kindly consult an urologist. Nowadays, these problems do not require open surgeries and are done through microsurgery and laser treatment. - DR. KAUSHIK SARKAR, MS, MRCS (Eng), MCh (Urology)


Ruby Emergency Team Understands the Importance of the Golden Hour | Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata
Ruby General Hospital's Emergency Care Department offers enhanced prospects for the focussed treatment of emergency patients. With a 30 bedded fully equipped Emergency Department, Ruby General Hospital's Emergency Care provides a fresh glimmer of hope for those in need of emergency treatment at golden hour. Ruby Emergency Team Understands The Importance Of The Golden Hour (The First 60 Minutes):


80% of Lung Cancer Deaths are Due to Tobacco Smoking | DR. DIPANJAN MAJUMDER | Ruby General Hospital
DR. DIPANJAN MAJUMDER, MBBS, MD, DNB (Radiation Oncology), Ex Senior Registrar - Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai) It has been seen that around 80% of lung cancer deaths are due to tobacco smoking. Both cigar and pipe smoking have equal risk of developing lung cancer compared to cigarette smoking. Menthol cigarette smoking increases the risk of lung cancer even more, since, menthol cigarette smokers tend to inhale more deeply. A population based study showed that if there is a tobacco cessation of 5 to 6 years, there is a decreased risk of lung cancer by around 50%. It is advisable to quit smoking at the earliest.


Lung Cancer's Mortality Rate is Very High! So, Early Detection is Prime Importance - DR. SANJOY ROY
1st August is observed as World Lung Cancer Day worldwide. The mortality rate of lung cancer is very high, thus, early detection is of prime importance. One of the recommendations for early detection of lung cancer is that smokers above the age of 55 years should go for a low dose CT scan once a year and it is advisable that even when Covid is not prevalent, people should wear masks to protect themselves from environmental pollution, direct and indirect smoking. - DR. SANJOY ROY, MBBS, DNB


This World Lung Cancer Day, Let's Raise Awareness About Lung Cancer - (DR.) ALOKE GHOSH DASTIDAR
PROF. (DR.) ALOKE GHOSH DASTIDAR, MD, DMRT, FUICC (USA), FUICC (AUS), CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST On the eve of World Lung Cancer Day, it is our duty to make people aware about lung cancer as it is one of the most common diseases among the male population and now it is often found in the middle aged women group too. Smoking may be one of the reasons for lung cancer, but, besides smoking, lung cancer is also found among non-smokers due to the increased environmental pollution. At one point of time, the survival rate after diagnosis of lung cancer had been very dismal, but with the recent advancements like targeted therapy and immunotherapy, the outcome is much better. Early detection is the key to successful treatment of lung cancer. Every young individual should keep away from direct or indirect smoking.


Smoking is One of the Very Important Modifiable Risk Factors For Lung Cancer | DR. KANISHKA SARKAR
On the occasion of World Lung Cancer Day, two points may be noted for awareness. Firstly, if anyone has a cough for more than three weeks, he / she should consult a doctor without delay and secondly, smoking is one of the very important modifiable risk factors so please quit smoking. - DR. KANISHKA SARKAR, MBBS, MD, EX FELLOW - TMC, KOLKATA


Lung Cancer is Completely Curable If Detected in the Early Stages | DR. SWARNABINDU BANERJEE | RGH
Lung cancer can be mostly avoided, those who are smokers please quit smoking and the non smokers are requested to refrain from smoking. If anyone has dry cough, presence of blood in cough, chest pain and it persists for more than a couple of weeks then, one should consult a pulmonologist so that X ray and CT scan can be advised and if cancer is suspected or found then proper treatment can be done like surgery and if required then chemotherapy and radiation therapy to cure it. Lung cancer is completely curable if detected in the early stages. - DR. SWARNABINDU BANERJEE, MBBS, MD, DM (Medical Oncology)


The Primary Cause of Lung Cancer is Chewing Tobacco and Inhaling Tobacco | DR. SANDIP SARKAR | RGH
WHO declares 1st August as World Lung Cancer Day. Every year we lose 6 million people due to lung cancer. The primary cause of lung cancer is chewing tobacco and inhaling tobacco. All are requested to avoid smoking and consumption of tobacco in any form and lead a healthy life. - DR. SANDIP SARKAR, MBBS, MD


Mass Awareness is Very Important For Lung Cancer | DR. TAPAS RAY, MBBS, MD, Dip Card, HOD MEDICINE
A few words about lung cancer. Mass awareness is very important as we know that lung cancer is a deadly disease and early detection is very essential for treatment and a complete cure. In case of breathing distress, dry cough or chest pain, please consult your doctor at the earliest. Stay safe, stay healthy. - DR. TAPAS RAY, MBBS, MD, Dip Card, HOD MEDICINE


To Prevent Lung Cancer, Regular Smokers Should Consult the Doctor | DR. SOMNATH SORCER | RGH
According to world statistics, the probability of lung cancer is very high in India and its primary cause is smoking. There is a steady rise in smoking habits among women too, thus they are also being affected by lung cancer. Early diagnosis is essential for better treatment and nowadays, quite a few lung cancers are treated with oral medicines which can help the patients for long term survival. To prevent lung cancer, regular smokers and those who have instances of lung cancer in the family should consult the doctor and get screened for the same on the slightest symptoms and get proper treatment. - DR. SOMNATH SORCER, CLINICAL ONCOLOGIST, COORDINATOR


Lung Cancer is the Most Common Type of Cancer With a Very High Mortality Rate | DR. MADHU PRIYA
Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide with a very high mortality rate. Most of the times it is diagnosed at an advanced stage and the risk factors for lung cancer include smokers, exposure to chemicals and people with chronic lung infection or COPD. It is a common notion that lung cancer is found only in smokers but, it is seen that around 40% of women are non smokers. - DR. MADHU PRIYA, MBBS, MD (Gold Medalist) Pulmonary Medicine


On the Occasion of World Hepatitis Day | DR. PRERNA PALLAVI, MBBS, DNB (GEN MED), DNB (GASTRO)
On the Occasion of World Hepatitis Day DR. PRERNA PALLAVI, MBBS, DNB (GEN MED), DNB (GASTRO)


On the Occasion of World Hepatitis Day | DR. DEBASIS SARDAR | Ruby General Hospital
On the Occasion of World Hepatitis Day DR. DEBASIS SARDAR, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Gastro) CMC Vellore


Have you ever had a needle stick injury? Get vaccinated and practice safety. | DR. SOURAV MAITI
Have you ever had a needle stick injury? 90% of healthcare workers will recollect having such an injury at least once in their career. This can lead to Hepatitis B, C and even HIV. What if your child gets pricked by a needle from the garbage? Used needles should be disposed of properly to prevent infection. Get vaccinated and practice safety. - DR. SOURAV MAITI, MBBS, MD (Microbiology), DNB (Microbiology), MNAMS


Recent Case of Endovenous Laser Surgery for Varicose Vein | DR. MANISH KUMAR | Ruby General Hospital
There was a recent case of varicose vein which was treated by endovenous laser surgery on a 45 year old lady who was suffering from a slowly progressive leg swelling with pain for the last two years. After a colour doppler study, she was diagnosed as a case of varicose veins in both lower limbs with incompetent bilateral saphenofemoral junctions. Endovenous laser surgery had been done which is the standard treatment for varicose veins in a single admission and it is done on a regular basis in Ruby Hospital. The lady is being discharged in a day's time with an uneventful post operative period and she is very satisfied with the services provided.


Mass Awareness, Health Tips, Free Hepatitis B & C Screening, Gastroenterologist Consultation | RGH
On the Occasion of World Head and Neck Cancer Day Mass Awareness, Health Tips, Free Hepatitis B & C Screening, Gastroenterologist Consultation


A Free Screening Camp for Both Hepatitis B and C on 26th, 27, and 28th July | Ruby General Hospital
DR. PRERNA PALLAVI, MBBS, DNB (GEN MED), DNB (GASTRO) As we all know that 28th July is observed every year as World Hepatitis Day, so this year too Ruby General Hospital has organized a free screening camp for both Hepatitis B and C on 26th, 27, and 28th July, 2021. Whoever has not been vaccinated or screened for Hepatitis are invited to get it done with prior appointment by clicking on the following link:


Recent Case of Endovenous Laser Surgery for Varicose Vein | DR. MANISH KUMAR | Ruby General Hospital
There was a recent case of varicose vein which was treated by endovenous laser surgery on a 45 year old lady who was suffering from a slowly progressive leg swelling with pain for the last two years. After a colour doppler study, she was diagnosed as a case of varicose veins in both lower limbs with incompetent bilateral saphenofemoral junctions. Endovenous laser surgery had been done which is the standard treatment for varicose veins in a single admission and it is done on a regular basis in Ruby Hospital. The lady is being discharged in a day's time with an uneventful post operative period and she is very satisfied with the services provided.


Is Biryani the Cause of Fatty Liver? - Dr. Debasis Sardar is Explaining | Ruby General Hospital
Is it true that Biryani is the Cause of Fatty Liver? - Listen, what Dr. Debasis Sardar is advising.


COVID Virus Causes Injury To The Liver Raising The Liver Enzyme Levels - Dr. Prerna Pallavi | RGH
As you all know that we have been dealing with the Covid pandemic for the last 1.5 to 2 years, the Covid virus causes injury to the liver raising the liver enzyme levels. Apart from that, the Covid related medicines which are being used are causing drug-induced liver injury. Do not take Covid related medicines without a doctor's advice and in case of evidence of hepatitis, consult your doctor without delay. - DR. PRERNA PALLAVI, MBBS, DNB (Gen Med), DNB (Gastro)


Ignoring Fatty Liver Can Lead To Hepatitis - Dr. Debasis Sardar | Ruby General Hospital
Fatty liver means accumulation of excessive fat in the liver. Normally, around 5% fat is present in the liver and when it exceeds that, it is called fatty liver disease. Initially, it is a benign disease but, if ignored it can develop into hepatitis known as Non Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and later cirrhosis of liver. Usually, fatty liver disease is asymptomatic and is diagnosed by a ultrasonography of abdomen. The liver enzymes SGPT and SGOT levels might be elevated. The key to reduce fatty liver is daily exercise as it usually affects obese and diabetic people, so, the weight of such people needs monitoring, along with diabetes and cholesterol control. Do not panic if you have fatty liver and do not ignore, consult your doctor without delay and follow advice accordingly. - DR. DEBASIS SARDAR, MBBS, MD (GEN MED), DM (Gastro), (CMC Vellore)


One Of The Most Important Causes Of Hepatitis Is Viral Infection Of Liver - Dr. S.B.D. Chakraborty
Hepatitis in medical terms means inflammation of liver and has various causes. One of the most important cause is viral infection of liver. There are five types of viral hepatitis virus namely, A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis A and E are water and food borne, while, B, C and D are usually blood related. There is vaccination available for Hepatitis A and E and all should get vaccinated. - DR. SUNIL BARAN DAS CHAKRABORTY, MD, DM (Gastro), (SGPGI - Chandigarh)


Prevent Cirrhosis of Liver | DR. RIMITA DEY, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), Fellowship in Critical Care, EDIC
In Intensive Care there are many complicated cases of cirrhosis of liver and one of the important causes is viral hepatitis B. It is also one of the important preventable causes of cirrhosis. Vaccination can prevent the onset of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. Get vaccinated with Hepatitis B, so that, the complications may be avoided. - DR. RIMITA DEY, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), FNB, Fellowship in Critical Care, EDIC | Ruby General Hospital


Hepatitis Is Inflammation Of The Liver / Injury To The Liver - Dr. Debasis Sardar | Ruby Hospital
"Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver / injury to the liver. The primary causes are alcohol, viral hepatitis like Hepatitis A, B, C, E, drugs and toxin related hepatitis and relatively rare autoimmune hepatitis. Symptoms for hepatitis are fever, vomiting tendency, body ache, stomach pain and jaundice. Consult your gastroenterologist without delay as early diagnosis and treatment can cure completely." - DR. DEBASIS SARDAR, MBBS, MD (Gen Med), DM (Gastro) (CMC Vellore)


Viral Hepatitis Is The Most Common Form Of Hepatitis - Dr. Prena Pallavi | Ruby General Hospital
"The most common form of hepatitis is viral hepatitis, among which A, B, C & E are common. Hepatitis A & E are mostly acute ones in which patients are presented with fever, jaundice, along with vomiting and these are commonly spread by food and water. Hepatitis B & C are the chronic forms which further lead to cirrhosis and sometimes malignancy. They are asymptomatic in the initial stages so the only way to detect is proper screening and vaccination at the right time." - DR. PRENA PALLAVI, MBBS, DNB (Gen. Med), DNB (Gastro)


Ruby OPD is Open from 8 AM to 8 PM for Everyone | Ruby General Hospital
The pandemic has disrupted normal life and people have been ignoring their general illnesses. A sincere request to all to consult your doctor at the earliest. Consultants of all specialties at Ruby General Hospital are available in the Outpatient Department from 8am to 8pm and 24 X 7 at the Emergency Department. For booking: 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343


Our Outpatient Department is open from 8 AM to 8 PM for You and Your Family | Ruby General Hospital
The pandemic has disrupted normal life and people have been ignoring their general illnesses. A sincere request to all to consult your doctor at the earliest. Consultants of all specialties at Ruby General Hospital are available in the Outpatient Department from 8am to 8pm and 24 X 7 at the Emergency Department. For booking: 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343


The Outpatient Department of Ruby General Hospital is Open from 8 AM to 8 PM for You and Your Family
The pandemic has disrupted normal life and people have been ignoring their general illnesses. A sincere request to all to consult your doctor at the earliest. Consultants of all specialties at Ruby General Hospital are available in the Outpatient Department from 8am to 8pm and 24 X 7 at the Emergency Department. For booking: 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343


We Have A Well-Equipped NICU To Manage Extremely Premature Babies - Dr. Anirban Basu | Ruby Hospital
"At Ruby General Hospital, we have a four-bedded level III NICU, isolation bed meant for the outborn as well as infected babies. We have a well-equipped NICU to manage extremely premature babies and deal with all the complications related to premature children. We manage Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) cases, severe sepsis and deal with practically all the critical conditions that can happen to a newborn. We have a very good team of skilled sisters, highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated doctors, full-time registrars, and in-house consultants. We are privileged to have the support of the neonatology super and subspecialty doctors like cardiologists, radiologists, and surgeons in our team." - DR. ANIRBAN BASU, MBBS, DCH


Consult a Doctor For Your General Health. The OPD at Ruby General Hospital is Open From 8 am to 8 pm
Due to the pandemic, people have neglected their general health. It is advisable that all of you consult your doctor at the earliest possible opportunity. Ruby General Hospital's Outpatient Department is open from 8am to 8pm and the Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day. For booking: 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343


For OPD Doctor Booking Please Call 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343 | Ruby General Hospital
Due to the pandemic, people have neglected their general health. It is advisable that all of you consult your doctor at the earliest possible opportunity. Ruby General Hospital's Outpatient Department is open from 8am to 8pm and the Emergency Department is open 24 hours a day. For booking: 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343


Consultants Of All Specialties At Ruby Hospital Are Available In The Outpatient Department 24x7
The Covid pandemic has disrupted the normal life and people have been ignoring their general illnesses. A sincere request to all to consult your doctor at the earliest. Consultants of all specialties at Ruby General Hospital are available in the Outpatient Department from 8am to 8pm and 24 X 7 at the Emergency Department. For booking: 8910657537 / 6289300927 / 6290820343


Mr. Prasenjit Chatterjee Is Wishing A Very Happy Doctor's Day | Ruby General Hospital
Mr. Prasenjit Chatterjee Is Wishing All The Front Liners, Doctors, Nurses Of Ruby Hospital A Very Happy Doctor's Day. It Is Highly Commendable The Way They Have Been Supporting The Society For The Last One And Half Years. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy And Above All, Stay By The Society As Always.


Do You Ever Think About What Surfaces Your Hands Touch Every Day? - Dr. Sourav Maiti | Ruby Hospital
"An astrologer will be able to predict your future by reading your palm, but, in the 21st century, we can build our own future. Do you ever think about what surfaces your hands touch every day, maybe, a doorknob, wallet, or the pen used for writing? There are multiple viruses, bacteria, germs, including the Covid virus present around us, so, do not forget to practice hand hygiene with soap and alcohol-based sanitizer." - DR. SOURAV MAITI, MBBS, MD (Microbiology), DNB (Microbiology), MNAMS


Trauma Is Very Devastating Especially Road Traffic Accidents - Dr. Dibyadip Mukhopadhyay | RGH
"Trauma is very devastating especially Road Traffic Accidents and multisystem trauma which are potential causes of mortality worldwide. Critical Care support in any case of trauma is very vital as it has to be managed within a minimum time limit. Another aspect of trauma is pain management. Please consult your doctor without delay so that the problems can be addressed immediately." - DR. DIBYADIP MUKHOPADHYAY, MBBS, MD (Anaesth), PDCC (Pain Management), FCCS (Critical Care)


Ruby Critical Care Stands By During COVID | DR. DIGBIJOY CHOUDHURY, MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine)
Numerous people have been affected by the Covid second wave and many required critical care support. With the support of our well manned and equipped Critical Care Unit, we have been able to cure many Covid patients. Though the second wave is declining, we need to remember that the third wave is knocking on the door. We have to follow all the safety measures like wearing mask and getting vaccinated. Vaccination can prevent the third wave. Ruby Critical Care team is always there by your side. | DR. DIGBIJOY CHOUDHURY, MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine)


Urology at Ruby General Hospital is Advancing Rapidly | DR. KUMAR GAURAW, MBBS, MS, DNB (Urology)
There are a lot of recent advances in urological surgery techniques like laser surgeries, micro surgery and advanced laparoscopic surgeries. At Ruby General Hospital, we have all the facilities available at an affordable cost and whenever required one can consult at the OPD either physically or through telemedicine. | DR. KUMAR GAURAW, MBBS, MS, DNB (Urology)


Ruby General Hospital has been accredited by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences
"We are glad to announce that Ruby General Hospital has been accredited by the National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences for DNB in the department of General Surgery this year. It will be a great boon for the MBBS students to learn General Surgery at Ruby Hospital, where we have a variety of cases from Laparoscopy to Bariatric to cancer surgeries and even Uro surgeries. So, this will be a big help to bridge the gap of Post Graduate training in India." - DR. SUJOY RANJAN DEB, DY MEDICAL DIRECTOR, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL


Daycare Laparoscopy Facility - Patients Need Not Stay Overnight At The Hospital - Dr. Sumanta Dey
"Because of Covid scenario, please do not ignore the problems which require surgical intervention. At Ruby General Hospital we have Daycare Laparoscopy facility, where a patient gets admitted in the morning and return home at night post surgery. Patients need not stay overnight at the hospital and be with their dear ones and have a speedy recovery. With the help of daycare laparoscopic and micro surgery, hernia, gall bladder, appendix, piles, fistula, and fissures are treated successfully. Do not delay and consult your doctor at the earliest." - DR. SUMANTA DEY, MS, DNB, MNAMS, FMAS, FNB - Minimal Access Surgery


In The Age Of Micro Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery Is Safe - Dr. Prasanna A V | Ruby General Hospital
Spine diseases cause loss of most man hours than any other disease in the world. Spine surgery is very safe with the advent of micro neurosurgical concepts, improved instrumentation and minimally invasive techniques. Side effects and complications post surgery are very rare along with a hospital stay of around 2 to 3 days. One can resume work in 4 to 5 days as maximum patients start walking immediately post surgery. Early diagnosis and treatment is very essential otherwise spinal cord injury can be irreversible even post surgery. - DR. PRASANNA A V, MBBS, MS, DNB, MCh (Neuro Surgery)


Lung Disorders Can Present With Various Symptoms - Dr. Madhu Priya | Ruby General Hospital
"Lung disorders can present with various symptoms like dry cough associated with expectorations, shortness of breath, fever and other symptoms like generalized weakness and loss of appetite. These diseases can be infective and non infective, like TB is a bacterial infection and other bacterial pneumonias, viral pneumonia among which Covid is a very common entity. Nowadays patients present with progressive shortness of breath and cough without any previous history. Early detection and treatment can prevent further complications." - DR. MADHU PRIYA, MBBS, MD (Gold Medalist) Pulmonary Medicine


Ruby Emergency Team Understands the Importance of the Golden Hour | Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata
Ruby General Hospital's Emergency Care Department offers enhanced prospects for the focussed treatment of emergency patients. With a 30 bedded fully equipped Emergency Department, Ruby General Hospital's Emergency Care provides a fresh glimmer of hope for those in need of emergency treatment at golden hour.


Among Endocrine Disorders, Diabetes Is The Most Important And Common Problem - Dr. Ajitesh Roy | RGH
"Among endocrine disorders, diabetes is the most important and common problem and its two dreaded complications are Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and Hyperglycaemic Hyperosmolar Nonkinetic Coma (HONK). These patients are presented with nausea, vomiting, pain abdomen, and lethargy. If you have such symptoms, consult an Endocrinologist or visit the Emergency Department at the earliest." - DR. AJITESH ROY, MD (Gen Med), DM (Endo), Chief of Endocrinology


Special Message On 7th International Yoga Day - Dr. Rakesh Jhalani | Ruby General Hospital
Best wishes to all on the 7th International Yoga Day. Yoga is a scientifically proven method for physical and mental well-being. It has become more important in the Covid era. It is very simple to practice as it does not require expensive equipment or a large space. All are requested to practice yoga whoever is medically fit. - DR. RAKESH JHALANI, MBBS, MD. HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, RUBY GENERAL HOSPITAL & RUBY CANCER CENTRE


Dr. Prerna Pallavi is Talking About The Most Common Presenting GI Complaints | Ruby General Hospital
"The most common presenting GI complaints are pain abdomen, vomiting, loose stool, presence of blood in the vomitus and stool, or black stool, jaundice, weight loss, swallowing difficulty. The non-specific rise in liver enzymes can be early presentation of underlying chronic liver disease. The other mentioned symptoms may be early features of life-threatening conditions like GI bleed or chronic liver diseases or inflammatory bowel disease or early features of malignancy. Early diagnosis and treatment is of utmost importance." - DR. PRERNA PALLAVI, MBBS, DNB (GEN MED), DNB (GASTRO)


Staying Awake Till Late Night Can Cause Critical Problems In Our Body - Dr. Indranil Mitra | RGH
"As you all know that the Eurocup 2021 and Copa America 2021 championships are being aired late nights, so, all the football enthusiasts are keeping awake all night which is resulting in various issues like indigestion, stomach disorder, gastro problems, heart ailments and they tend to overlook it. It is an earnest request not to overlook these problems and come to Ruby Emergency for the much needed care and get cured. Showing up at the Emergency Department does not mean that one will be advised admission, instead, all necessary investigations will be done to rule out any further health risk and if admission is required for the same then one might be advised to do so. Please do not neglect your health and come to the hospital for proper care and cure." - DR. INDRANIL MITRA, CONSULTANT IN CHARGE, EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT


Ruby General Hospital has a well equipped Critical Care Unit for all types of hematological disorder
Haematological disease refers to benign and malignant diseases. Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma are malignant ones, while, different types of anaemia, bleeding disorder and aplastic anaemia are benign diseases. Ruby General Hospital has a well equipped Critical Care Unit to manage all types of haematological disorders. Do not delay and consult your haematologist.


Overcoming the challenges in Renal Replacement Therapy - DR. SOURAV DHARA | Ruby General Hospital
"Managing a critically ill patient with renal dysfunction is always a great challenge. Patients requiring Renal Replacement Therapy are most of the times in Multiorgan Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), have low BP and are already on vasopressor support. The Critical Care team at Ruby General Hospital manage these patients with invasive monitoring so that the Renal Replacement Therapy can be completed achieving all the intended benefits." - DR. SOURAV DHARA, MBBS, MD (ANAESTHESIOLOGY), FNB (CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE), EDIC


Critical Care & Neurology Are Related In Managing Patients - Dr. Raktim Guha | Ruby General Hospital
"Critical Care and Neurology are related in managing patients. In neurological emergencies like acute stroke or traumatic brain injury, Critical Care team supports them by managing airway, breathing and circulation. Likewise, critically ill patients require neurological assistance in diagnosing and differentiating different causes of altered sensorium or limb weakness." - DR. RAKTIM GUHA, MBBS (Hons., Gold Medalist), MD (Anaesthesiology), FNB (Critical Care Medicine)


Importance Of Intensive Care & Advanced Respiratory Support - Dr. Rimita Dey | Ruby General Hospital
"In the present pandemic, the importance of Intensive Care and advanced respiratory support can't really be over emphasized, but, the importance is the realization that these supports are needed not only in the Covid scenario, but, also in non-Covid scenario like trauma, pancreatitis and other places where Intensive care is really important. Being equipped with advanced respiratory support, non-invasive ventilation or ventilator support with advanced modes and with the help of our trained staff, we can really cater to all the needs of the patients who require intensive care in both covid and non-covid settings." - DR. RIMITA DEY, MBBS, MD ( GEN MED), FNB, FELLOWSHIP IN CRITICAL CARE, EDIC


Medical Emergency? We're Available 24x7 | Ruby General Hospital, Kolkata
"Golden Hour management of patients presented in the Emergency Department within an hour of Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is very important and if properly managed, the patients tend to have decreased complications and mortality rate, thus, increasing the survival rates. The Emergency Department of Ruby General Hospital is well equipped to meet the needs for management of patients presented within the Golden Hour." - DR. INDRANIL MITRA, MBBS, CONSULTANT IN CHARGE, EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT Emergency Helpline: 9831179175 / 9748932100


Cancers Are Treatable If Detected At An Early Stage - Dr. Jayesh Kumar Jha | Ruby General Hospital
"Cancers are treatable if detected at an early stage. Diagnostic tests, specially, FNAC / Biopsy are done to diagnose cancer and they do not spread or cause cancer. Please consult your cancer specialist and get tested when advised without delay." - DR. JAYESH KUMAR JHA, MBBS, MS (Gen Surg), DNB (Gen Surg), MNAMS Visit:


Mr Subhasish Mukherjee's Advice for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario | Ruby General Hospital
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


Mr. Saikat Mitra's Advice for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario | Ruby General Hospital
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


Mr. Prosenjit Chatterjee's Advice for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario | Ruby Hospital
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


Mr. Abhimanyu Mukherjee's Advice for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario | Ruby Hospital
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


Ms. Manali Dey's Advice for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario | Ruby General Hospital
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


Mr. Ankush Hazra's Special Message for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario | Ruby Hospital
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


Some Important Advice of Respected Arun Bandyopadhyay for You to Stay Safe in the Present Scenario
Tele HEALTH, an innovative idea of Ruby General Hospital for your health in the present scenario. • Video Consult with Specialist Doctor from your home • More than 15000 people were helped Dial: 9831021980


"Proper care and oral hygiene prevents oral cancer. Quit smoking. Regular dental check up also prevents oral diseases."


"Oral care, with utmost importance to geriatric oral condition and rehabilitation with dental implants and maintenance of prophylaxis of gum diseases with root canal treatment facilities under radiographic diagnosis are done at Ruby General Hospital’s dental clinic."
DR. SUBHADEEP MUKHERJEE, MDS (Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon)


"Pain or swelling in the mouth, face or neck can mean a lot of things, consult with a dentist immediately."


"Ruby General Hospital is with you in creating a healthy, clean and safe society by providing adult vaccination in the facility."


"At the click of a button get registered through Ruby General Hospital’s website and experience the telemedicine services. Reach us any time at your convenience in case of any emergency which is now one of the largest in Kolkata."


"Every minute counts… Trust Ruby General Hospital for emergency care within minutes."


"Our nursing team is a great support and have rendered services with full dedication and compassionately during the pandemic. Our nursing team is a great warrior and is still fighting."


"In Ruby General Hospital, we continuously strive to maintain our transparency in billing. Our endeavour is to reach reasonable health care at affordable prices to all people."


"Personalised care in terms of day to day care requirement of patients and At Home atmosphere is the Mantra of patient service."
Ms. Debaleena Paul (Manager Operations, Ruby General Hospital)


"Our motto of Patient care includes empathy, compassion along with the highest standard of technical and clinical expertise."
Mr. Anupam Mukherjee (Manager Quality Assurance, Ruby General Hospital)


"The Critical Care department of Ruby General Hospital is well equipped to deal with multi-organ failure and has well-trained staff, technicians & doctors which are prerequisites for critical care treatment."
Dr. Sujay Samanta (HOD, Critical Care Unit, Ruby General Hospital)


"There is always a hope beyond what you see"
Mr. Ambuj Ghosh (AGM, Operations, Ruby General Hospital)
